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Helping You Decide Upon The Right Sort Of Trust

The probate process is often lengthy and expensive. However, the creation of a trust often can prevent the need of putting assets through probate.

The Hauppauge attorneys at Fumuso Christesen LLP understand how to utilize a wide variety of trusts to meet your individual needs. We will get to know your circumstances and discuss all viable options. Due to our extensive experience, we can provide you with the specific trust to address your situation.

Extensive Experience Helping New York Individuals And Families

A trust can be revocable or irrevocable. Which one you choose depends upon your long-term financial goals. A revocable trust is one in which the terms can later be revised or terminated. It provides a great deal of flexibility for the creator of the trust (grantor). For irrevocable trusts, there are no modifications of conditions without permission from the grantor. But while such a trust has less flexibility than a revocable trust, it has the advantage of providing greater protection of assets.

Which trust works best for you depends upon your individual situation. It is therefore wise to consult with a lawyer who understands the advantages and disadvantages of whatever type of trust you require.

Our attorneys have been helping New York residents with their legal concerns since 1970. We provide tremendous attention to your matter and will consult with you to ensure we put into effect the sort of trust you require. We do not consider a trust to be a substitute for a will. However, we can prepare a will and a trust that will complement each other.

Contact Our Firm With Your Trust-Related Questions

Fumuso Christesen LLP will always make ourselves available to answer any of your inquiries. To schedule a consultation and speak one-on-one with one of our attorneys, please contact our office by calling 631-232-0200. You can also send us an email.